Jumat, 16 Februari 2018

Innovation and creativity...a pipeline to your marketing success

Innovation and creativity...a pipeline to your marketing success

Image source: http://blog.trello.com/hubfs/hubspot_v2-1.png?t=1476397099457

Innovation has always been a key to business success and creation of wealth. Just take a look at the past, where innovation and creativity were closely linked to new inventions such as Walkmans, I Pods, digital cameras, Hula Hoops and, yes, even Pet Rocks!Today in the vast arena of business, innovation has shifted to a global concept of ad campaigns and marketing strategies. A major stumbling block to marketing in the twenty-first century is "invisible constraints". They can be as small as stomach turning/churning business meetings that start first thing Monday mornings to monumental emotional barriers that prevent people from taking those steps necessary to financial success.
Have you ever spent time around rodeos or horse ranches and seen horses standing perfectly still, as if tied to a hitching post, with the reins simply drapped on the ground? This is a fairly direct analogy to the invisible restraint problem found in entrepreneurs who seem to be in the grasp of inaction. When the horses are young and being trained, they are tied with a strong rope from the halter to a ring on the ground imbedded in a concrete footer. The attempts to get free are very frustrating and somewhat uncomfortable to the colt and the colt/filly soon learns that a rope, line or rein leading to the ground spells restraint. As a result of this training, when the young horse matures, it never tries to pull on the reins that hang down and touch the ground! So, all the rider has to do, whether he is out on the range or in the rodeo arena, is throw the reins over the horse's head, so that they touch the ground, and the horse will stand there, in one place, until the rider retrieves the reins and then the horse feels the freedom to move. This parallels the business marketing problem of limiting ourselves because of the effects of previous experiences, many of which are of a negative nature, instead of going for what we are capable of achieving. Similar to the horse that is actually tethered, or "reasons" that it is, and really believes it is impossible to be free, humans are also affected by such invisible restraints. These restraints become emotional hangups that prevent them from being creative in their marketing. the problem looks real and genuine, but it is actually an illusion and action can be implemented to overcome this blockage.

Determine whether you have any imagined tethers or mental restraints that you seem unable to shake. Then take action to negate them...almost any sort of action...and you will soon begin to feel them dissipate. break away from the invisible ropes and bonds. Do it! Give up your fear. Anything of a negative nature that happens will never be as terrible as what you imagine could happen! Get rid of those mental barriers. Crush those huge constraints. You might even find that they aren't so huge after all. As you destroy them, you will begin to eliminate any physical constraints to your marketing success. You were not created for mediocrity...you were meant to be successful! Remember, if you want to change your life-change your day!

ellsler13@sbcglobal.net author: William Fleck

in google type: www.landbfleck.com www,operazinger.com

How To Set Up Your First Flowerhorn Tank

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