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How much is enough is something a lot of people that wonder about, and that's a good question? Albeit a loaded question. The answer to that question, is not the one size fits all type of answer. I'm also not going to side step the answer either.
My answer is, you should allow your dog to exercise as much as seems comfortable and fun for your dog. Allow your dog to walk, play, fetch, swim, or run with you for whatever distance and time period your dog is comfortable doing. When your dog is tired he or she will let you know. I can tell when my dogs are tired.
Jersey will just lay down and rest on her own. Or if I feel her breathing is labored I make her rest and just walk leisurely. If we happen to be at the dog park, If she's playing and running the entire time she quits when she is tired on her own. Since, I have a boxers, I have a feel for what each one of them can do depending on the weather. On hot days of 80 degrees, they don't do so well, on days under 70 degrees they can run for hours.
"What type of exercise is right for my dog"
This is something you may be asking yourself, the answer is all breeds are a bit different, and all dogs are in different physical conditions depending on age, weight, physical conditioning. But, all dogs should be able to handle a walk. As your dogs physical condition improves along with yours the walks can get longer and faster.
My Boxer Muggsey and I used to go for runs, I rode my Mountain Bike, and an extension leash, Mugs ran beside me. It was fun and easy to do. We went for about a mile and a half and were back home in twenty minutes. If it was hot out, he trotted instead of runnig, we rested on the way back home if he wanted too.
If it was hot over 80 degrees we would go to the County Park, where there is plenty of shade and walking or biking trails. We also went to place near streams and ponds where he could cool down if he wanted to.
"Where should I exercise my dog"?
That is another question that has many answers, Of course you living environment has a lot to do with that. If your're in the city or suburbs, or the country. The important thing is to concern yourself with the terrain. Dogs feet are sensitive as peoples feet are believe it or not. If it's on hot pavement they feel it. If it's on sharp stones they feel that as well. So use common sense when choosing an exercise area.
How often does my dog need exercise?
Your dog will try to let you know when it's ready for more exercise, your dog may try to give you a hint, like misbehaving in someway, or nagging you, ask your dog if it wants to exercise. I could always ask Muggsey if he wanted to run. His ears would stand up and he was ready to go! Jersey knows Dog Park and the word Walk.
What are the benefits of exercise to my dog?
This is a question many people have regarding their dogs, the first benefit is behavioral. Your dog will listen better, they will be less inclined to seek out entertainment else where like your trash. They will sleep better and longer. And just like people exercising your dog has the same health benefits as it does for people. It will help them become healthier and happier.