The sad thing is that actually the society in which we live in sets the standards for women through the skinny fashion models that we see on the catwalks. Because of this almost 80% of women claim to be dissatisfied with the way they look. In the USA alone the amounts of money that are spent on dieting products and diets are absolutely astronomical. This diet dieters have also the bad habit of later on developing compulsive attitudes. Anorexia is not just a physical condition, the fact being that women with this disorder have low self esteem and suffer immense brake downs. The vast majority of people that develop this disease is teenage girls and young women, but older women and men are also prone to developing it. Anorexia involves excessive obsessions regarding weight loss, food and of course calories. People often refer to the illness as slimmers disease.
The most common fact about patients suffering from anorexia is that they are constantly fearing weight gain and will not maintain a normal healthy body weight. Side effects felt because of anorexia may range from dry skin, loss of hair and even, as seen in more severe cases, loss of menstruating periods. Patients have a constant belief that they are fatter than they actually are. They most certainly starve themselves and exercise constantly in order to reach a lower body weight. Because of these extreme measure that they take, they often have problems concentrating and coping with outside temperatures ( they have a constant feeling of being cold). Leaving the disease untreated will usually lead to the severe aggravation of the patient, and in worst cases actually to death.
Bulimia is also one of todays eating disorders. The only thing is that it stands for voracious appetite. It also involves binge eating. People suffering from this disorder also perceive them selves to be fatter than they are and experience uncontrolled and chaotic eating behavior. This is most often followed by self induced vomiting. Other practices would be excessive use of laxatives and diuretics in order to keep a perfect body shape. This constant behavior usually leads to many problems such as depressions, heart damage, kidney damage, and of course damage to other parts of the digestive system. In most extreme cases the patient can also end up with severe mental trauma.
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