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Specifically, religions usually refer to the mind, body and spirit. What about our emotions? Schools focus on the mind and often neglect the emotions, spirit and physical body. Doctors are likely to explore physical symptoms, and often miss the mental, emotional and spiritual causes. Employers often care about the employees? productivity and disregard their body, emotions and spirit. Many parents feel responsible for their children's physical bodies and possibly their minds but forget about their emotions and spirits.
How would our cars and homes be if we only took care of parts of them? Many problems can be prevented and solved if we wake-up and live holistically. When we recognize and express our four parts, we have a much better chance to live healthy, happy, loving and successful lives. When men and women focus on the compatibility of their four parts, their relationships have a much better chance of succeeding.
It would be wonderful if we were taught this crucial information in schools. Let's make every class a self-esteem class, so the students feel good about themselves and care about others. Teach them how to communicate constructively and express their feelings in constructive ways. Healthy physical activity and lunches feed the body. Being positive, supportive and caring helps them develop their spiritual part. Holistic education is crucial to transform people and the world.
It is also crucial to realize that there is a mind-body connection. Our emotions affect our physical bodies and our bodies affect our emotions. Unfortunately, doctors are not trained holistically, and they often only focus on the physical parts of us. I think it is tragic that they miss so much of the picture.
I do not expect the doctors to know everything. It would be great for them to have a holistic team that would include professionals that address the mind, body, spirit and emotions. If we live holistically, we can prevent many problems. The prevention and treatment of holistic medical care is the most efficient, cost-effective solution for a healthy country.
If we do have issues, we can learn what caused them, develop healthier habits and live more consciously. For example, we need to avoid all toxins to stop poisoning our bodies. Unfortunately, many popular products, including foods and drinks, contain toxic ingredients. Our bodies can handle just so many toxins before it loses the battle and can no longer protect us and prevent disease. We need to feed our body's healthy food and liquids, put only safe things and products on our skin and hair, and be sure we are breathing only healthy air. Finding out what is toxic and reading all the ingredients is vital for our health.
Employers need to treat their employees as they would like to be treated and show compassion for their feelings, life situations, and other human needs. Holistic managing is the way to reduce stress, disease and accidents and actually improve productivity.
It is important for parents to focus on helping their children raise their self-esteem and be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy. Holistic parenting will transform homes, cities, countries and the world.
Governments need to make laws that consider all four parts of the people. Holistic governments help create healthy, strong, stable societies.
There is now more healthy living information available than ever before. We can take control of our lives, set our intent to live a holistic life and continue to learn what to do to honor and take care of our mind, body, spirit and emotions. You will be very glad that you did. Holistic people are healthy, well-balanced men, women and children.