Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

History Of Green Living How It All Began

History Of Green Living How It All Began

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Contrary to popular belief, green living is not a new or trendy concept, thought up to serve as a Hollywood or political message platform. Although we have done just as much to destroy the planet we all live on, Man has worked to do some of conservation as well.

The ancient Romans built pits for garbage and other cultures worked to separate waste (both human and animal) from their daily living as well. Not too long ago, our forefathers used everything until it was beyond destroyed- the pioneers were the original proponents of the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle.

Back in the old days, buildings would be torn down, reworked and rebuilt with a minimum of new lumber being used in the process. Of course, with many places being tree poor, lumber was not an easy to come by commodity. All resources were used sparingly, mainly because it took so much work to get them.

Rainwater was saved in barrels to be used for everything from washing and cooking. In some cases, rainwater was the only water that could be used for drinking as well. (This was of course before acid rain was a concern.) Families used candles, soaps and oil sparingly- these items had to last as long as possible. During the day time, families used sunlight to read by, and of course all laundry was hand wash and line dry.

The modern conveniences of Man changed the way many things were done, and not always for the best. Vacuums made the sweeping of the rug more than just a gentle brushing, and soon no one was hanging a rug to beat it twice a year.

No matter that the vacuum required electricity, was generally harder on a carpet and not always as effective, they were a simple of prosperity. When automobiles came into high fashion, people clamored to get one, and the horse and carriage fell out of favor. Even a short trip was accomplished by auto, more as a status symbol than as a necessity.

Now we are all trying to find new ways to do things, to live in a more green way. We need to save our planet, but what should we do? Returning to the older ways of doing some things might be helpful, but there are those that find it hard to accept this concept. Sometimes doing something from the past is the best new way to live green- consider it retro-chic.

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