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Are you trying to diet and you are confused on what is the best strategy to use? Do you want to count points or calories? How much weight do you want to lose? The best start to weight loss is control. Eating foods with low calories is a great start to weight control. Remember when you were a young child and your parents always wanted you to eat your vegetables. Well, they were on to something great! Vegetables contain a high amount of water and no fat, this means they will fill you up without adding a large amount of calories to your meal. They can be eaten as a meal, snack, or you can add them to your sauces to help you feel fuller. When you are looking to lose weight and slim down. You should begin by taking a close look at your food intake. Did you know a single glazed doughnut contains over 300 calories. Next time you want a healthy breakfast instead of eating that doughnut try eating a bowl of bran flakes with fresh blueberries and skim milk. If that isn't filing enough you can also eat a whole wheat toast with peanut butter. Now doesn't that sound like a filling breakfast than does a glazed doughnut? By consuming foods with low calories, you will begin to see a significant difference in your appetite, weight loss, and stamina. If you find yourself eating a lot of fast food, drinking sodas, and eating candies. You are enabling your body to gain weight, have high cholesterol, and other heart related health problems. Why not cut out the fast food. Did you know that one small french fry has over 225 calories? Just imagine if you were having lunch and ordering fast food. Just your lunch alone would probably exceed your daily recommended of calories. That's pretty significant. Why not replace that fast food lunch with a fresh mix of fruits and spinach. Try eating a spinach salad with apples and strawberries. Eating foods that take you longer to chew and eat, will help you feel fuller faster. There are so many factors to take into consideration when eating foods with low calories. Weight control is a big part of it. You will want to eat vegetables, and incorporate dairy into your daily diet as well. Depending on your likes and dislikes, try eating a cup of cottage cheese with fresh fruit as a mid day snack. You may also want to try drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your system flushed and hydrated. Weight loss begins with you taking the first step!